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Stress symptoms and treatment

Stress symptoms and treatment:

Definition of stress :

Stress or nervous tension is a condition of neurological and physical disorders that humans experience for various reasons.

 Such as daily work pressure and daily life problems. Specialists caution about the mental and well-being dangers of stress assuming that it surpasses specific cutoff points.

Symptoms of stress appear in various forms such as difficulty concentrating and irritability.

Stress symptoms and treatment

These are the primary drivers of stress in many people:

Stress in pre-adulthood: 

like parental separation, loss of a partner, and physiological changes in the body.

Outside reasons:

because of changes in working life or school, material troubles or issues of youngsters and family.

Interior reasons:

Occurs because of steady cynicism, negative talk, or impact by the view of society.

In the elderly and old :

Stress in the older, for example, ailment, retirement, and the passing of a soul mate.

 Stress treatment there are several ways to reduce stress, or rather (distresser), the most important of which are:
Stress symptoms and treatment

1. Deep breathing:

The goal of deep breathing is to focus awareness on breaths, making them slower and deeper.
When we breathe deeply through the nose, the lungs expand completely and the abdomen rises.
 Helping to slow your heart rate, making you feel calmer, and getting rid of your stress.

2. Exercise that suits you:

Sport is the best way to fight anxiety and stress. The benefit of exercise is to exercise regularly, so it is recommended to follow exercises that can be enjoyed, such as walking, dancing, or rock climbing.
Activities such as walking or jogging, involving frequent movements of the large muscle group, can particularly relieve stress.

3. Share and talk to others :

You can share your feelings and fears with some close friends or family members.

 who reduce stress and stress and may be able to find solutions that can be applied to relieve stress factors.

4. Avoid caffeine :

Caffeine is a stimulant found in coffee, tea, chocolate, and energy drinks, and high doses increase anxiety in some people and this varies from person to person.


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