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11 gut-healthy foods | To get your health back on track

11 gut-healthy food to eat for better digestion

The pleasure of food sometimes leads us to forget the important role of digestion in our lives. Eliminating the toxins left by foods means that we have to take into account this device.

Beneficial bacteria found in the intestines have a very important role.
To play in promoting health and maintaining ect weight, and several foods are very useful for improving gut health, and increasing levels of beneficial bacteria.

11 gut-healthy foods | To get your health back on track

These are 11 gut-healthy foods | To get your health back on track, which are the most important :

  1. Bananas :

It is very beneficial to the gut, as it contains antihyphemlytics, which help protect the stomach from ulcers. Bananas contain soluble fibers, which help promote the digestion of some foods. Bananas contain high amounts of potassium and are beneficial for heart functioning and regulating fluid balance in the body.

  2. Whole grains:

it helps improve gut performance. It is a good alternative to refined carbohydrates such as white pasta bread, and whole grains containing omega-3 fatty acids.

  3. Apple:

Apples are very beneficial for health in general, and the pectin in them is the reason why it is important for the gut.

  4. Asparagus:

Asparagus is known for its many benefits of digestion.

It is rich in carbohydrates that help feed beneficial intestinal bacteria, and these carbohydrates are not normally dismantled during digestion but contain complex carbohydrates that are not digested until they reach the large intestine.

 Many studies have shown that eating asparagus regularly helps absorb nutrients and reduces the risk of colon cancer.

  5. Sweet potatoes:

It contains vitamins and minerals such as potassium and iron and is also rich in fiber that helps the gut digest and eliminates digestion stress.

  6. Almonds:

It is considered one of the most beneficial foods for the gut, and almonds contain fiber that helps digestion, probiotics, fatty acids, and polyphenol compound, which are helpful for beneficial microbes in the intestines.

  7. Garlic :

Garlic is known for its ability to feed beneficial intestinal bacteria and kill harmful bacteria, to be thrown out of the body.

To take advantage of garlic like me, it is recommended to eat it raw and fresh. For a perfect digester, it is recommended daily to eat a spoonful of chopped garlic before bed. Garlic certainly smells strong, but its benefits for colons are a strong smell.

  8. Onion :

It is beneficial for gut health because it contains large amounts of inulin and fructans. This solid mix is known to advance the development of stomach microbes as well as alleviate stoppage.

  9. Turnips and spinach :

Leafy vegetables are a great source of nutrients and fiber, and both turnips and spinach contain a high percentage of vitamins and folic acid, which contribute to a healthy gut.

  10. Legumes :

gut-healthy foods, Such as green peas, lentils, and chickpeas are rich sources of iron, proteins, and vitamins.

It also has a good amount of natural sugar and fiber to activate beneficial bacteria in the gut.

  11. Apple cider vinegar :

Helps relieve esophageal reflux and irritable bowel syndrome because it contains all probiotic fibers and beneficial amino acids.


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