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What are the 7 Mistakes to Avoid After Exercise?

What are the 7 Mistakes to Avoid After Exercise?

What are the 7 Mistakes to Avoid After Exercise?

After a workout, it's common to have a post-workout routine that helps you recover and build muscle.

However, some habits can slow down your progress or even sabotage your ability to build muscle completely.

In this article, we'll look at What are the 7 Mistakes to Avoid After Exercise? and what to do instead.

1.Don't go straight home.

Cooling down after a workout is critical to allow for a gradual recovery of pre-exercise heart rate and blood pressure.

Instead of heading straight home, we recommend stretching and mobilizing the areas you just trained.

Not only will this help improve mobility, but it'll also get the blood flowing, accelerating the recovery process.

2.Don't Forget the Protein.

Consuming protein after training could very well be one of the missing links to overall progress, especially if you're training in a fasted state.

While reaching your daily protein goals for the day is more important than consuming protein during the post-workout window, if your goal is to maximize muscle growth, then post-workout protein is not just another opportunity to get more protein into your diet.

It could be a way to improve recovery as well.

3.Do not eat preservatives and salt after exercise.

  • Fast food contains ample amounts of preservatives, salt, and additives that can derail your efforts for a healthier life.
  • Instead, aim to consume 40 to 80 grams of carbs and 20 to 30 grams of protein while keeping fat intake to a minimum.
  • Post-training is a golden opportunity to set the wheels of recovery into motion, and fast food is a surefire way to knock that train off its tracks.

4.Don't forget to take notes.

It's essential to pay attention to history, especially when it comes to our workouts.

If we simply train and move on to the next workout, we will never learn from each one.

Write things down as you train, and take some time after a workout to review what went well and what didn't.

Determine if anything needs to change before you train those muscle groups again, and you'll have a better idea of how you're progressing.

5.Don't Lounge.

After a strenuous workout, it's tempting to lounge around and relax.

However, you should aim to do some light activity or active recovery instead.

This can help improve blood flow, reduce muscle soreness, and aid in the recovery process. Plus, it's an excellent way to maintain consistency in your exercise routine.

6.Avoid Ignoring Hydration.

Staying hydrated is essential for overall health and athletic performance.

After a workout, make sure to drink plenty of water or a sports drink to replenish fluids lost through sweat.

This can help prevent muscle cramps, fatigue, and other issues that can slow down your progress.

7.Don't Forget to Sleep.

Sleep is essential for recovery and overall health. After a workout, aim to get at least seven to eight hours of quality sleep to aid in muscle recovery and growth.

Plus, getting enough sleep can help improve focus, energy, and athletic performance.


While there are many post-workout habits that can help you recover and build muscle, some habits can slow down your progress or even sabotage your ability to build muscle completely.

By avoiding these seven worst things you can do after a workout and implementing healthier alternatives, you can set yourself up for success and reach your fitness goals.


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